
Welcome to my blog. I thought I would write occasionally about my old motorcycle restoration projects, mainly MZ, Jawa and CZ though there are others. I will also write about the places I go and visit while riding them and occasionally I may post stuff about industrial archeology too.

This blog is for my amusement and to record stuff I may otherwise forget in the future, but if anyone else likes it too, that would be a great bonus.

I frequently make mistakes in the workshop, and I will share them on here warts and all so I can learn from them and maybe you can too.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Trophy Sport progress

I have sorted the problem with the forks out (see previous posting). It turned out to be not the forks at all. After much examination I discovered that if I rested the front wheel against next door's garage base then compressed the forks as much as I could, I got a clonk, as well as when the forks were returning. I eventually realised that the clonk was the new headstock bearings not adjusted right. I think the bottom cup was not fully pushed home in the bottom of the headstock and this has moved producing unwanted free play in the bearings. I chickened out from hitting any harder than I had as I was worried about breaking it, and for some reason MZ saw fit to make the cups a very tight interference fit in the frame.

I reset the clearances and now all seems to be well. The bike is still running rich though, as confirmed by the colour of the spark plug, I suspect the needle in the carburettor is badly worn, it does not seem to be making contact all the way round when the throttle is fully closed. I will have to change it soon when I can afford to.

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